Coronaviruses are enveloped viruses. This means they are viruses that can be killed using the appropriate disinfectant when used according to the label directions.
The ERSA disinfectant is one of these disinfectants. It is certified according to the test procedures described in EN ISO 1276: 2009. It is classified as a Medical Device Class IIb Directive 93/42/EEC and has a CE mark.
The list below is an excerpt of the tested and confirmed microorganisms that ERSA kills:

ERSA is an aqueous solution ready to use. It is biocompatible, colourless, odorless, non-toxic and eco friendly. It is based on electrolytically generated Silver Ions stabilized with Citric Acid with bactericidal, fungicidal and virucidal property with high residual efficacy (minimum 18 hours). It can be used for cold disinfection of small and large surfaces. Leave to act for at least 2 - 5 minutes (virucidal, bactericidal and fungicidal activity). Dry if necessary. It has no corrosive effect on e.g. metals, plastics and rubber. It does not damage cutting tools. The active ingredient is not absorbed by any kind of plastic or elastomeric material such as natural or synthetic rubbers.
In a nutshell the ERSA disinfectant:
Kills the Human Coronavirus (incl. but not limited to Covid-19, SARS, MERS)
HIV type 1 microorganisms
Influenza virus
is effective for up to 18 hours
is safe to use and does not pose any harm to humans